Welcome to Camarillo Physical Therapy!
Stretching and strengthening exercises appropriate for your specific condition have been selected by your Physical Therapist for you.
Our Physical Therapy Aides have been trained in therapeutic movement and will be assisting our Physical Therapists with demonstrating and supervising proper technique and form when performing exercises.
The work done in the clinic is one part of what will help your healing. The home exercise program assigned to you is an essential part of your treatment and is intended to promote healing, re-train faulty movement patterns, and reduce the probability of pain and injury re-occurrence, among other benefits.
Please communicate with our therapists about any questions or concerns you may have about your assigned Home Exercise Program. If you may have any problems adhering to the regimen prescribed to you, please let our therapists know right away! We want to work with you together as a team and open communication is essential to achieving that goal. Again, if you may have any issues, please let us know so we can assist.

We only get to see you two to three times a week. The assigned Home Exercise Programs are very important and are designed to help your progress.
You may receive different exercises at different visits. Many patients find it helpful to use a small three ring binder to keep their paperwork organized. This will also be helpful for our therapists to see when you come in for your appointments.
Please do not underestimate the importance of therapeutic movement (the Home Exercise Program) in your healing. It can help mitigate further pain episodes and can even help avoid surgery and/or other invasive procedures. Consistent movement may also benefit you overall!
Again, welcome to Camarillo Physical Therapy, and we look forward to assisting you with your healing process!